Pub Night Help signup sheet

Note: this signup sheet is no longer active and is not accepting new volunteers. Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

If you're seeing this message but weren't expecting it, please verify that you've clicked on the correct sign-up sheet link.

Anything you can help with is greatly appreciated. You don't even have to be attending the pub night to help out! All funds raised during the pub night will be used to purchase a playground for the front of the school when the addition is completed in the spring.

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What When Who
Sell tickets after school Wednesday January 27 2:00-2:40 Alan K.
Sell tickets after school Wednesday January 27 2:00-2:40 Not filled
Sell tickets after school Thursday January 28 2:00-2:40 Carol K.
Sell tickets after school Thursday January 28 2:00-2:40 Not filled
Sell tickets after school Friday January 29 2:00-2:40 Wendy A.
Sell tickets after school Friday January 29 2:00-2:40 Carol K.
Sell 50/50 at pub night Saturday January 30 6:00-7:30 Not filled
Sell 50/50 at pub night Saturday January 30 6:00-7:30 Not filled
sell 50/50 at pub night Saturday January 30 7:30-9:00 Not filled
sell 50/50 at pub night Saturday January 30 7:30-9:00 Not filled
hand out tickets as people arrive Saturday January 30 6:00-6:45 Jen C.
square sales at pub night Saturday January 30 6:00-7:30 Andrew and Jaye G.
square sales at pub night Saturday January 30 6:00-7:30 Andrew and Jaye G.
square sales at pub night Saturday January 30 7:30-9:00 Not filled
square sales at pub night Saturday January 30 7:30-9:00 Not filled