"Sunshine" Visitors signup sheet

Note: this signup sheet is no longer active and is not accepting new volunteers. Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

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Do you like to meet new people and spend time getting to know them? Do you enjoy senior adults and appreciate the stories they tell? If so, this might be the perfect role for you. Help spread sunshine to our senior adults. We are looking for volunteers to visit residents at one of the assisted living homes currently served by our parish. You would spend approximately 30-60 minutes visiting with one of them (or walking, playing cards, doing a puzzle, reading a book or ?). Visitors make the seniors feel special, and it lifts their spirits. You would accompany another volunteer until you feel comfortable going on your own.

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What Who
Sunshine Visitors Suzy S.
Sunshine Visitors Marilyn T.
Sunshine Visitors Marilyn H.
Sunshine Visitors Jamie M.
Sunshine Visitors elaine s.
Sunshine Visitors Not filled
Sunshine Visitors Not filled
Sunshine Visitors Not filled
Sunshine Visitors Not filled
Sunshine Visitors Not filled