Tapestry Birthday Cupcakes 2015-16 signup sheet

Note: this signup sheet is no longer active and is not accepting new volunteers. Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

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Please sign up below to bring 16 cupcakes on the chosen day to help celebrate the birthdays of our singers. If you want to bring all the cupcakes for the month, then please sign up on both lines. You are welcome to sign up for the month of your singers' birthday, or if that is just too busy then sign up for a different time. It doesn't matter, as long as we have 32 cupcakes to celebrate with. We will start October 29 and recognize our October birthdays. May's celebration will cover June, July and August also.

Should your schedule change and you can no longer provide cupcakes, then please send me an email and I can remove your name and make it available for someone else. I will send a reminder email the week before we need the cupcakes.

Thanks for volunteering!

Please remember to keep it Nut Free.

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What When Who
Bring 16 cupcakes October 29 Laura H.
Bring 16 cupcakes October 29 Laura H.
Bring 16 cupcakes November 26 Akiko M.
Bring 16 cupcakes November 26 Donna C.
Bring 16 cupcakes December 17 Gillisn B.
Bring 16 cupcakes December 17 Janice E.
Bring 16 cupcakes February 25 Kristin O.
Bring 16 cupcakes February 25 Irene S.
Bring 16 cupcakes April 21 Christy C.
Bring 16 cupcakes April 21 Kristin O.
Bring 16 cupcakes May 26 Jody C.
Bring 16 cupcakes May 26 Not filled