Spanish Speakers signup sheet

Note: this signup sheet is no longer active and is not accepting new volunteers. Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

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Do you speak Spanish and are able to translate conversations between Spanish and English? If so, we would like to add you to a list of people we could contact when the need arises. Most often, this would be on a Sunday morning (conversations with parents of children in Faith Formation), or it could be at a parent meeting or telephone conversation during the week. We would contact you with further information and to see if you would be available to help.

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Spanish Speakers As needed Claudia P.
Spanish Speakers As needed Not filled
Spanish Speakers As needed Not filled
Spanish Speakers As needed Not filled
Spanish Speakers As needed Not filled
Spanish Speakers As needed Not filled
Spanish Speakers As needed Not filled
Spanish Speakers As needed Not filled
Spanish Speakers As needed Not filled
Spanish Speakers As needed Not filled