9/21/2024 Refill the Pantry - Operation Hope signup sheet

Note: this signup sheet is no longer active and is not accepting new volunteers. Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

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The Refill the Pantry for the Operation Hope Food Pantry will be held at Stop & Shop, 760 Villa Avenue, Fairfield, from 9-5:00. Volunteers will greet and hand out the list of items requested by the food pantry to incoming shoppers. They will accept donations with thanks. Drivers will store collected items in their vehicles and take them to the Operation Hope Food Pantry after their shift,

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What When Who
Setup 8:00-9:00 Richard L.
Shift 1 Door 1 Volunteer 9:00-11:00 David O.
Shift 1 Door 1 Volunteer 9:00-11:00 JOHN B.
Shift 1 Door 1 Volunteer 9:00-11:00 Doug P.
Shift 1 Door 2 Volunteer 9:00-11:00 Fred B.
Shift 1 Door 2 Volunteer 9:00-11:00 Frank D.
Shift 1 Door 2 Volunteer 9:00-11:00 Jennifer B.
Shift 2 Door 1 Volunteer 11:00-1:00 Tom L.
Shift 2 Door 1 Volunteer 11:00-1:00 Jean L.
Shift 2 Door 1 Volunteer 11:00-1:00 Kris C.
Shift 2 Door 2 Volunteer 11:00-1:00 Christopher C.
Shift 2 Door 2 Volunteer 11:00-1:00 Sean C.
Shift 2 Door 2 Volunteer 11:00-1:00 Not filled
Shift 3 Door 1 Volunteer 1:00-3:00 Dave A.
Shift 3 Door 1 Volunteer 1:00-3:00 Carol L.
Shift 3 Door 1 Volunteer 1:00-3:00 Not filled
Shift 3 Door 2 Volunteer 1:00-3:00 Chris C.
Shift 3 Door 2 Volunteer 1:00-3:00 Shannon C.
Shift 3 Door 2 Volunteer 1:00-3:00 Not filled
Shift 4 Door 1 Volunteer 3:00-5:00 Diane T.
Shift 4 Door 1 Volunteer 3:00-5:00 Bruce T.
Shift 4 Door 1 Volunteer 3:00-5:00 Not filled
Shift 4 Door 2 Volunteer 3:00-5:00 Allison B.
Shift 4 Door 2 Volunteer 3:00-5:00 Nancy M.
Shift 4 Door 2 Volunteer 3:00-5:00 Not filled
Cleanup 5:00-5:30 Richard L.