Friendly Phone Callers signup sheet

Note: this signup sheet is no longer active and is not accepting new volunteers. Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

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Friendly Phone Callers are volunteers who make weekly (or more often) phone calls to parishioners who have expressed interest in receiving these calls. They may be lonely, isolated, restricted socially, immobile, need more support in their lives, lost a spouse, injured, recovering from surgery, new in town, have just gone through a breakup or divorce, etc. You will be assigned 1-3 parishioner contacts (whatever works best for you), and you and the parishioner will discuss the frequency and timing of the calls. These regular phone calls are designed to help connect the parishioner with our parish, so they feel less lonely, feel supported and to provide social interaction. This volunteer role is perfect for someone who likes to talk on the phone, is compassionate and friendly, a good listener and likes to get to know others.

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Friendly Phone Callers Not filled
Friendly Phone Callers Not filled
Friendly Phone Callers Not filled
Friendly Phone Callers Not filled