This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.
Novice Major Evals
On Ice Help
We require 6 Coaches/Assts for the Novice Major Skill Skate to be on the ice and time and record data. We require 1 on ice volunteer per scrimmage. On Ice volunteers will be required to have registered and completed the requirements as coach's or asst's with Confed for insurance and safety purposes.
Check In Desk
We require 1- 2 volunteers at the check-in desk for all evaluation sessions. They will be responsible for handing out pinnies and assignment of player pinny numbers and colours.
Time Keeper
We require 1 time keeper to run the clock indicating shift change for each scrimmage. Experience running the clock would be beneficial.
Bench Help
We require help from 2 people per skill skate and 4 people per scrimmage session to open the gates on the bench for the players. Bench volunteers will be required to have registered and completed all requirements as coach's or asst's with Confed for insurance and safety purposes.
*** Please Note *** Selection of Volunteers is at the discretion of the Directors and Confederation Hockey. Sign-up does NOT guarantee you a volunteer position. Your spot will be confirmed. Please look at dates and times carefully, as some slots require multiple days and locations. Thank you for your interest.