Volunteer Jobs outside of Productions signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Any of these hours will go towards your hours for the year. You are welcome to do multiple jobs if you would like to get more hours done. If you have any questions on how many hours you have remaining at any time throughout the year, please contact the business office.

Show volunteers

What and when
Studio Reset - Help get the studio back in order after production
10/8/2018 10am - 12pm (Time can vary)
Nina H., Shellie G., Dollee R.,
Studio Reset - Help get the studio back in order after production
12/10/2018 10am - 12pm (Time can vary)
Nina H., Kate S.,
Studio Winter Deep Clean - Help clean up the studio after after classes let out for winter break
12/17/2018 10am - 12pm (Time can vary)
Kate S.,
Studio Reset - Help get the studio back in order after production
2/25/2019 10am - 12pm (Time can vary)
Shellie G., Hilary V., Kate S.,
Studio Reset & Spring Clean - Help get the studio back in order after production
5/14/2019 10am - 1pm (Time can vary)
Rhonda B., Christina C., Hilary V., Krista F., Jessie E.,
Help stuffing packets
Week of 4/15/2019 (let Aubree know what day/time you are available
Ashley R.,
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