Sharptown VBS Gym/Game Squad signup sheet

Note: this signup sheet is no longer active and is not accepting new volunteers. Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

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The Gym and Games Squad will set-up and lead games each evening during VBS and serve as 'bouncers' each night during dismissal. The Gym/Games Team Leaders will choose, coordinate and provide leadership for game time each night. The 1st-6th grade gym squad will be expected to report to the outside gym area each evening at 6 pm for directions on the night's games, to help with set-up, to then assist in the game execution and help after with clean-up. All available gym guys are needed to 'man' the exit doors at dismissal. Preference is for the gym squad volunteers to be over 18 year old with a few high school teens assisting as helpers for the PK/K station. High school teens can sign up from the teen link.

What When Who
PK/K Gym Coordinator July 13th - 17th, 6 to 8:45 pm Not filled
PK/K Gym Helpers July 13th - 17th, 6 to 8:45 pm joanna c.
1st-6th Grade Gym Coordinator July 13th - 17th, 6 to 8:45 pm Not filled
1st-6th Grade Gym Squad July 13th - 17th, 6 to 8:45 pm Cheryl F.
1st-6th Grade Gym Squad July 13th - 17th, 6 to 8:45 pm Steve F.
1st-6th Grade Gym Squad July 13th - 17th, 6 to 8:45 pm Steven T.
1st-6th Grade Gym Squad July 13th - 17th, 6 to 8:45 pm Shawn B.
1st-6th Grade Gym Squad July 13th - 17th, 6 to 8:45 pm Not filled
1st-6th Grade Gym Squad July 13th - 17th, 6 to 8:45 pm Not filled
1st-6th Grade Gym Squad July 13th - 17th, 6 to 8:45 pm Not filled
1st-6th Grade Gym Squad July 13th - 17th, 6 to 8:45 pm Not filled