Children's Ministry Appreciation/Forum - November 18th, 10am signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

If you serve in the nursery or with one of the three BLAST Sunday school classes, we strongly encourage you to attend on November 18th at 10am at FCC.

RSVP by signing up below. Please note that the program we use here will thank you for "volunteering". Be assured that you aren't committing to any service by signing up on here for the appreciation event! We are just using what we have to get a sense of expected attendance.

This event is to formally thank you for what you do to serve the youngest members of our congregation as well as give you a chance to (around tables) share your thoughts on what is going well and what could be done better in the area you serve in.

This will be a chance to connect with other people serving in your area of ministry and share ideas to make it better. Continental breakfast will be provided.

For more information contact the church office.

Show volunteers

What and when
November 18th, 10am
Katie P.,
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