2017 Hops Fest Beer Pouring signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

When shift is completed volunteer will receive: Entry, Mug, and 6 tokens

Show volunteers

What and when
Beer Pouring Shift 1 (2.75 hours)
11:45am-2:30pm, Sat 9/23
Show 40 names Mark Z., John M., Scott F., Anna D., Nicole B., Dan C., Darci W., Eric R., Robert A., John R., Nate B., Tyler S., Kate M., Emily V., Christen R., Dave M., Heather O., brig O., Steve P., Tim P., Trina S., Trina S., Bill V., Douglas A., Andrew G., Nargo V., Craig F., Joanne R., Kari D., Denise E., Deborah T., Beck R., Brent R., Debbie R., Rose V., Jessica M., Ross H., Brodie B., DiAna A., brian W.,
Beer Pouring Shift 2 (2.75 hours)
2:15pm-5:00pm, Sat 9/23
Mike C., Marisa M., Alberto M., Judy B., Rosie A., Karen J., Mark J., Brenda r., David E., Toni E., Kristi E., Melodie J., Robert S., Steven S., Justin W.,
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