Resurrection “Rebuilding Together Portland” signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Resurrection will be partnering with “Rebuilding Together Portland,” a local nonprofit, to assist an elderly, widowed neighbor in SE Portland on Saturday, April 28. Volunteers are asked to arrive at 8:00 am and work a minimum 4-hour shift. Adults and teens, ages 14-18, are invited to volunteer. We are looking for general unskilled help for debris removal, weeding, taping, painting, light clean-up of property, cleaning gutters of one-story ranch home, carrying trash to curb or small dumpster, and cutting up a hot tub and removal; unskilled person to power wash sidewalks and driveway; unskilled person comfortable with heights to sweep moss and debris off a low angled asphalt roof of the one-story home; skilled, licensed electrician to install 4 carbon monoxide/smoke detector alarms and repair loose wiring of light fixture over the kitchen table; skilled licensed electrician to replace 6 electrical outlets. Let’s join in to help this neighbor with her material and physical needs (corporal works of mercy).

Show volunteers

What and when
"Rebuild" volunteers
Sat., April 28, at 8 am
Susan C., Anita O., Steve O., Tom H., ann H., Kathy M., Jack M., Jennifer B., Lyle B., Teresa L., Don L.,
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