May 23 Dallas Classical Open Mic @ Buzzbrews signup sheet

IMPORTANT - THIS WEEK’s event will start around 8:45 so that everyone can go to Thiago Nascimento’s Solo Piano Concert at St Matthew’s Cathedral on Ross Ave from 7PM-8:30. Thiago will come to Buzzbrews to accompany as usual after his concert is finished.
Classical Open Mic - presented by Open Classical DFW, is in it's fourth year at BuzzBrews on Lemmon Ave. It's a great way for professional and amateur classical musicians to share timeless pieces in a casual setting while audience members enjoy food and drink!

Every Tuesday 8pm - 11:30 pm at BuzzBrews at 4334 Lemmon Avenue (near Wycliff), Dallas, TX 75219.

Our resident piano accompanist, Thiago Nascimento, can sight read just about anything. Bring your music, instrument(s) and friends. Perform solo, duet, or create a group.

We welcome a variety of genres, however in the spirit of our open mic, classical and musical theater will be given priority. Select a 10 minute slot below (2 song maximum or no more than 8 minutes total to allow time for set-up and transition). Should you require special arrangements or have a large group, email us at

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What When Who
Performer 9:00 Ryan M.
Performer 9:10 Laurie L.
Performer 9:20 Rizwan J.
Performer 9:30 Joshua H.
Performer 9:40 Nathan W.
Performer 9:50 Allie D.
Performer 10:10 Meredith A.
Performer 10:20 Mark L.
Performer 10:30 Mark L.
Performer 10:40 Jocelyn H.
Performer 10:50 Tess C.