Nov 21 Autzen Program Crew (Kinder/1st Grades) signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

You will show up 3 hours before kickoff and sell until kickoff (you will be free to watch the game!). We are looking for one lead, one money person, and 18 sellers (14 and older). Not a Kindie or first grade family? NO PROBLEM! We need you!!! We can take moms, dads, grandparents, aunts/uncles, older siblings/family members, friends, etc! Thank you in advance for giving your time! Details for the game will be emailed to you the day before!

Show volunteers

What and when
Lead Organizer
Kick off TBA
Mitch W.,
Money Person
Kick off TBA
Aimee B.,
Program Seller
Kick off TBA
Julian V., Scott S., Melissa S., Dara B., Karen S., Betsy L., Amica N., Raymond N., Bryce C., Margaret W., Jaime B., Sarah L., Josh L., kelly k., Nancy H.,
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