Jan 28-Feb 1 Mountain Middle School signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Mountain Middle School: The Money Game for 8th grade students, approx 1 hour M - F. (Check the times listed, some sessions are longer.) Please also plan to attend the orientation for this class on JANUARY 8 at 11:05-12:05. We are also accepting Co-volunteers at this time. Co-volunteers may be someone who has never taught the class before who will be paired with an experienced lead volunteer. Lead Volunteers are experienced volunteers who would be willing to teach with an inexperienced volunteer. Up to 1 lead volunteer and co-volunteer per class. Please contact Melissa Lopez at adminassistant@know-your-dough.org for additional information or assistance.

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What and when
Lead Volunteer - Class 8A - Liz Cartwright
M:12:05-1:00, Tu:12:55-2:05, W:12:05- 1:10, Th:12:55-2:05, F:12:05- 1:10
Rebecca A.,
Co-Volunteer - Class 8A - Liz Cartwright
M:12:05-1:00, Tu:12:55-2:05, W:12:05- 1:10, Th:12:55-2:05, F:12:05- 1:10
Lead Volunteer - Class 8B - Liz Cartwright
M:1:05-2:00, Tu:2:10-3:20, W:1:15-2:20, Th:2:10-3:20, F:1:15-2:20
Co-Volunteer - Class 8B - Liz Cartwright
M:1:05-2:00, Tu:2:10-3:20, W:1:15-2:20, Th:2:10-3:20, F:1:15-2:20
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