Owa signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

Please meet here at the church by 5:00pm. We will leave by 9:00pm from the park and be back here by 9:45ish. It is $22.39 per ticket and food is not provided. If you are signing up to drive, please put how many you can put in your vehicle.

Show volunteers

What and when
Student Sign Up
Aug 12 5:00-9:45pm
Show 40 names Lily H., Tony P., Molly D., Hunter I., Ellis I., Ian S., Ellery S., Hannah Grace K., Ava Z., grace J., Emma F., Adler R., Walker R., Abbeyglen F., Mimi S., bri b., Nate C., Mackenzie C., courtney f., alyssa f., Sinclair K., Dieter K., Hannah B., annalyn d., Lily S., Aven B., Brooke R., Bethany G., Baxter F., Huff F., Owen B., Kathryn J., Caroline D., Brayden M., hannah d., Renie K., Katie H., Trip D., Belle S., Jake O.,
Aug 12 5:00-9:45pm
Gajl S., Chad K., John J., Robbie R., Carrie F., Anne D., Jeremy F.,
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