Kingsford Smith School Fete signup sheet

Note: this signup sheet is no longer active and is not accepting new volunteers. Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

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Kingsford Smith School Fete is held on Saturday 8th November between 10.00am - 2.00pm. We thank you for your interest and assistance with the preparation, set up, helping through the day and the clean up. Although we have listed vacancies in one hour sessions please register more than one if you are able.
Please Note: A convener role is one of contact and knowledge of stall. We do not expect any one to have to stay on a stall for the full start and finish time, unless they choose, but to be around perhaps at start and finish to oversee and be on the stall only some of the day.

What When Who
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 9am - 11am Liz W.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 9am - 11am Pia B.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 9am - 11am Nat W.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 9am - 11am Vicki B.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 9am - 11am Sandy D.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 9am - 11am Donna S.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 9am - 11am Not filled
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 9am - 11am Not filled
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 11am - 1pm Pia B.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 11am - 1pm Liz W.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 11am - 1pm Sandy D.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 11am - 1pm Donna S.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 11am - 1pm Not filled
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 11am - 1pm Not filled
Lunch - catering for volunteers 1pm, for catering please sign up Please sign up in above/below slots Not filled
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 1pm - 3pm Lisa K.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 1pm - 3pm Pia B.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 1pm - 3pm Danielle C.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 1pm - 3pm Virginia M.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 1pm - 3pm Sandy D.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 1pm - 3pm Donna S.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 1pm - 3pm Not filled
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 1pm - 3pm Not filled
Afternoon tea - catering for volunteers and their children Please sign up below for catering numbers Not filled
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 3pm - 5pm Danielle C.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 3pm - 5pm jo s.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 3pm - 5pm Tash C.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 3pm - 5pm Marissa D.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 3pm - 5pm Not filled
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 3pm - 5pm Not filled
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 3pm - 5pm Not filled
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 5pm - 7pm Kirsti P.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 5pm - 7pm Danielle C.
Friday set up Fri 7th Nov 5pm - 7pm Not filled
Take soft drinks from Container to Canteen Friday 7th Jayden and Jo L.
Put up bunting outside school gates Before 9am Not filled
Put up banner flags outside school gates Before 9am Not filled
Put up banner Flags along ramp Before 9am Not filled
Big gym door 'security' 9am - 10am Not filled
Collect donated ice, gas, marquee from kippax 8am Not filled
take bag of ice to first aid room 9.30am Jayden + L.
Put up marquee for luck stick/duck stall 8am - 9am Danielle C.
Put up marquee for luck stick/duck stall 8am - 9am Liz W.
Put up marquee for show n shine 8am - 9am David T.
Put up marquee for show n shine 8am - 9am Not filled
Put up marquee for BBQ 8am - 9am Jets - graham L.
Put up marquee for BBQ 8am - 9am Jets - graham L.
BBQ - convener 9am - 3pm Cindie ( KSS staff member ).
BBQ - convener 9am - 3pm Jan (kss staff member ).
BBQ - set up 9am - 10am Matt O ( KSS staff member ).
BBQ - set up 9am - 10am Bob C (kss staff member ).
BBQ - selling 10am - 11am Corinna M (KSS staff member ).
BBQ - selling 10am - 11am Charlote H (KSS staff member ).
BBQ - selling 10am - 11am Bec S (KSS staff member ).
BBQ - selling 10am - 11am Bob C (kss staff member ).
BBQ - selling 10am - 11am Alli L (kss staff member ).
BBQ - selling 11am - 12pm Tamara H (kss staff member ).
BBQ - selling 11am - 12pm Jenny L (kss ).
BBQ - selling 11am - 12pm Kayley B (Kss Student ).
BBQ - selling 11am - 12pm Caitlyn N (kss community member ).
BBQ - selling 12pm - 1pm Jenny L (kss staff member ).
BBQ - selling 12pm - 1pm James S (kss student ).
BBQ - selling 12pm - 1pm Annalise M (kss student ).
BBQ - selling 12pm - 1pm Cathy H (kss staff member ).
BBQ - selling 12pm - 1pm David S (kss Staff member ).
BBQ - selling 1pm - 2pm Jude F (kss staff member ).
BBQ - selling 1pm - 2pm Cara A (kss staff member ).
BBQ - selling 1pm - 2pm Cathy H (kss staff member ).
BBQ - selling 1pm - 2pm Jenny L (kss staff member ).
BBQ - pack up 2pm - 3pm Cindie ( KSS staff member ).
BBQ - pack up 2pm - 3pm Michael S (kss staff member ).
Putt Putt - Convenor 9am - 2.30pm Danielle C.
Putt Putt - assist with running 10am - 11am Danielle C.
Putt Putt - assist with running 10am - 11am Teneal D.
Putt Putt - assist with running 11am - 12pm Not filled
Putt Putt - assist with running 11am - 12pm Not filled
Putt Putt - assist with running 12pm -1pm Not filled
Putt Putt - assist with running 12pm -1pm Not filled
Putt Putt - assist with running 1pm - 2pm Not filled
Putt Putt - assist with running 1pm - 2pm Not filled
Canteen - convener 7am - 3pm Ruth *.
Canteen - preparation 7am - 8am Rebecca S.
Canteen - preparation 7am - 8am Ruth *.
Canteen - preparation 8am - 9am Leanne E.
Canteen - preparation 8am - 9am Ruth *.
canteeen - prep 8.30am - 9.30am Julie B (kss staff ).
canteeen - prep 8.30am - 9.30am Sharon C (KSS staff ).
canteeen - prep 8.30am - 9.30am Alli L (kss staff ).
Canteen - preparation 9am - 10am Leanne E.
Canteen - preparation 9am - 10am Danielle C.
Canteen - preparation 9am - 10am Tash C.
Canteen - assist with running 10am - 11am Tash C.
Canteen - assist with running 10am - 11am Ruth *.
Canteen - assist with running 10am - 11am R.D ..
Canteen - assist with running 10am - 11am Vicky J.
Canteen - assist with running 10am - 11am Not filled
Canteen - assist with running 10am - 11am Not filled
Canteen - assist with running 10am - 11am Not filled
Canteen - assist with running 10am - 11am Not filled
Canteen - assist with running 11am - 12pm Ruth *.
Canteen - assist with running 11am - 12pm R.D ..
Canteen - assist with running 11am - 12pm Vicky J.
Canteen - assist with running 11am - 12pm Tash C.
Canteen - assist with running 11am - 12pm Not filled
Canteen - assist with running 11am - 12pm Not filled
Canteen - assist with running 11am - 12pm Not filled
Canteen - assist with running 11am - 12pm Not filled
Canteen - assist with running 12pm - 1pm Ruth *.
Canteen - assist with running 12pm - 1pm R.D ..
Canteen - assist with running 12pm - 1pm Vicky J.
Canteen - assist with running 12pm - 1pm Pam D.
Canteen - assist with running 12pm - 1pm Not filled
Canteen - assist with running 12pm - 1pm Not filled
Canteen - assist with running 12pm - 1pm Not filled
Canteen - assist with running 12pm - 1pm Not filled
Canteen - assist with running 1pm - 2pm Ruth *.
Canteen - assist with running 1pm - 2pm R.D ..
Canteen - assist with running 1pm - 2pm Vicky J.
Canteen - assist with running 1pm - 2pm Pam D.
Canteen - assist with running 1pm - 2pm Not filled
Canteen - assist with running 1pm - 2pm Not filled
Canteen - assist with running 1pm - 2pm Not filled
Canteen - assist with running 1pm - 2pm Not filled
Canteen - Pack up 2pm - 3pm Leanne E.
Canteen - Pack up 2pm - 3pm Tash C.
Canteen - Pack up 2pm - 3pm Not filled
White elephant - convener 9am - 3pm Marg H (KSS staff member ).
White Elephant - selling 10am - 11am Gavin L.
White Elephant - selling 10am - 11am Mary Fe M.
White Elephant - selling 10am - 11am Liz B (KSS staff member ).
White Elephant - selling 10am - 11am Chris W (KSS staff member ).
White Elephant - selling 10am - 11am Meg A (KSS staff member ).
White Elephant - selling 11am - 12pm Gavin L.
White Elephant - selling 11am - 12pm Liz B (KSS staff member ).
White Elephant - selling 11am - 12pm Chris W (KSS staff member ).
White Elephant - selling 11am - 12pm Meg A (KSS staff member ).
White Elephant - selling 12pm - 1pm Kim D (kss staff member ).
White Elephant - selling 12pm - 1pm Not filled
White Elephant - selling 1pm - 2pm M Gummow (KSS staff member ).
White Elephant - selling 1pm - 2pm Kim D (kss staff member ).
White Elephant - pack up 2pm - 3pm Mary Fe M.
White Elephant - pack up 2pm - 3pm Not filled
White Elephant - pack up 2pm - 3pm Not filled
White Elephant - pack up 2pm - 3pm Not filled
Books - convenor 9am - 3pm Mark R.
Books - selling 10am - 11am Sandy D.
Books - selling 10am - 11am Marg K (Kss staff member ).
Books - selling 10am - 11am Lyn A (KSS staff member ).
Books - selling 11am - 12pm Marg K (Kss staff member ).
Books - selling 11am - 12pm Virginia M.
Books - selling 11am - 12pm Donna S.
Books - selling 12pm - 1pm Not filled
Books - selling 12pm - 1pm Not filled
Books - selling 1pm - 2pm Sandy D.
Books - selling 1pm - 2pm Donna S.
Books - pack up 2pm - 3pm Sandy D.
Books - pack up 2pm - 3pm Mike B.
Books - pack up 2pm - 3pm Donna S.
Books - pack up 2pm - 3pm Not filled
Art show - collect money 10 am -11am Sharon and kids ..
Art show - collect money 11am - 12pm Sophia ..
Art show - collect money 12pm - 1pm Not filled
Art show - collect money 1pm - 2pm Not filled
Raffles - convenor 9am - 3pm Lisa K.
Raffles stall - selling tickets 10am -11am Lisa K.
Raffles stall - selling tickets 10am -11am Irene S.
Raffles stall - selling tickets 10am -11am Not filled
Raffles stall - selling tickets 11am - 12pm Lisa K.
Raffles stall - selling tickets 11am - 12pm Irene S.
Raffles stall - selling tickets 11am - 12pm Not filled
Raffles stall - selling tickets 12pm - 1pm Lisa K.
Raffles stall - selling tickets 12pm - 1pm Fran F.
Raffles stall - selling tickets 12pm - 1pm Not filled
Raffles stall - selling tickets 1pm - 2pm Lisa K.
Raffles stall - selling tickets 1pm - 2pm Hamish K.
Raffles stall - selling tickets 1pm - 2pm Not filled
Craft - convenor 9am - 3pm Pia B.
Craft - selling 10am -11am Yuko H.
Craft - selling 10am -11am Alopa V.
Craft - selling 10am -11am Not filled
Craft - selling 11am - 12pm Jodie T.
Craft - selling 11am - 12pm Not filled
Craft - selling 11am - 12pm Not filled
Craft - selling 12pm - 1pm Karen M.
Craft - selling 12pm - 1pm Laurel R.
Craft - selling 12pm - 1pm Bec S (KSS staff member ).
Craft - selling 1pm - 2pm Kath W.
Craft - selling 1pm - 2pm Jane ?.
Craft - selling 1pm - 2pm Not filled
Craft - pack up 2pm - 3pm Not filled
Craft - pack up 2pm - 3pm Not filled
Craft - pack up 2pm - 3pm Not filled
Craft - pack up 2pm - 3pm Not filled
Cakes - convener 9am - 3pm *Lisa *.
Cakes - selling 10am - 11am Kirsti P.
Cakes - selling 10am - 11am Clare S.
Cakes - selling 10am - 11am Not filled
Cakes - selling 11am -12pm Kirsti P.
Cakes - selling 11am -12pm Bec S.
Cakes - selling 11am -12pm Not filled
Cakes - selling 12pm - 1pm Kirsti P.
Cakes - selling 12pm - 1pm Lisa B.
Cakes - selling 12pm - 1pm Not filled
Cakes - selling 1pm - 2pm Kirsti P.
Cakes - selling 1pm - 2pm Not filled
Luck stick/duck stall - convenor 8am - 3pm Liz W.
Lucky Stick/Duck - assist 10am - 11am Isobel W.
Lucky Stick/Duck - assist 10am - 11am Liz W.
Lucky Stick/Duck - assist 10am - 11am Not filled
Lucky Stick/Duck - assist 11am - 12pm Isobel W.
Lucky Stick/Duck - assist 11am - 12pm Liz W.
Lucky Stick/Duck - assist 11am - 12pm Not filled
Lucky Stick/Duck - assist 12pm - 1pm Maheen b.
Lucky Stick/Duck - assist 12pm - 1pm Not filled
Lucky Stick/Duck - assist 12pm - 1pm Not filled
Lucky Stick/Duck - assist 1pm - 2pm Not filled
Lucky Stick/Duck - assist 1pm - 2pm Not filled
Lucky Stick/Duck - assist 1pm - 2pm Not filled
Lucky Stick/Duck - pack up 2pm - 3pm Not filled
Lucky Stick/Duck - pack up 2pm - 3pm Not filled
plants - convenor 9am - 3pm Monica K.
plants - set up 9am - 10am Marissa D.
plants - set up 9am - 10am Vicki B.
plants - selling 10am - 11am Marissa D.
plants - selling 10am - 11am Vicki B.
plants - selling 10am - 11am Monica K.
plants - selling 11am - 12pm Vicki B.
plants - selling 11am - 12pm Monica K.
plants - selling 11am - 12pm Not filled
plants - selling 12pm - 1pm Vicki B.
plants - selling 12pm - 1pm Not filled
plants - selling 12pm - 1pm Not filled
plants - selling 1pm - 2pm Vicki B.
plants - selling 1pm - 2pm Monica K.
plants - selling 1pm - 2pm Not filled
plants - pack up 2pm - 3pm Matty B.
plants - pack up 2pm - 3pm Monica K.
Pack up bunting outside school gates 2pm Not filled
pack up flags inside and outside school grounds 2pm Not filled
Pack up chairs outside buildings 2pm Not filled
collect signs from around school 2pm Not filled
collect road signs preferable saturday, sunday latest Not filled