Half-n-Half or Double Half signup sheet

Note: this signup sheet is no longer active and is not accepting new volunteers. Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

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Please sign up below to volunteer with set-up, aid station, clean-up!
Any questions email Derk Pinkerton at - brain.states@gmail.com or call Kathy at RunnersWorld Tulsa

What When Who
Volunteer for Trail Aid Station Sunday 12/16 - 7am- end of trail race (~2pm) Jeremy F.
Volunteer for Trail Aid Station Sunday 12/16 - 7am- end of trail race (~2pm) Chris L.
Volunteer for Trail Aid Station Sunday 12/16 - 7am- end of trail race (~2pm) Michelle B.
Volunteer for Trail Aid Station Sunday 12/16 - 7am- end of trail race (~2pm) Vincent B.
Volunteer for Trail Aid Station Sunday 12/16 - 7am- end of trail race (~2pm) Davida V.
Volunteer for Trail Aid Station Sunday 12/16 - 7am- end of trail race (~2pm) Zack C.
Volunteer for Morning Road Aid Station Sunday 12/16 7am - 1pm susan m.
Volunteer for Morning Road Aid Station Sunday 12/16 7am - 1pm Michael B.
Volunteer for Morning Road Aid Station Sunday 12/16 7am - 1pm Erik E.
Volunteer for Morning Road Aid Station Sunday 12/16 7am - 1pm Tracy M.
Volunteer for Morning Road Aid Station Sunday 12/16 7am - 1pm Jenny R.
Volunteer for Morning Road Aid Station Sunday 12/16 7am - 1pm Lyndsey P.
Volunteer for Morning Road Aid Station - theHub Sunday 12/16 8am - 1pm theHub L.
Volunteer for Morning Road Aid Station - theHub Sunday 12/16 8am - 1pm Nina N.
Volunteer for Afternoon Road Aid Station Sunday 12/16 1pm- end of road race Steve M.
Volunteer for Afternoon Road Aid Station Sunday 12/16 1pm- end of road race Abbey B.
Volunteer for Afternoon Road Aid Station Sunday 12/16 1pm- end of road race Jennifer L.
Volunteer for Afternoon Road Aid Station Sunday 12/16 1pm- end of road race theHub L.
Volunteer for Afternoon Road Aid Station Sunday 12/16 1pm- end of road race Not filled
Volunteer for Afternoon Road Aid Station Sunday 12/16 1pm- end of road race Not filled
Volunteer for Morning Start/Finish Aid Station Sunday 12/16 7am - 1pm Jennifer D.
Volunteer for Morning Start/Finish Aid Station Sunday 12/16 7am - 1pm Jana R.
Volunteer for Afternoon Start/Finish Aid Station Sunday 12/16 1pm- end of race Christy D.
Volunteer for Afternoon Start/Finish Aid Station Sunday 12/16 1pm- end of race Michelle B.
Course Marking Sunday 12/16 5am-8am Not filled
Course Marking Sunday 12/16 5am-8am Not filled
Registration Table Sunday 12/16 7-9am Christy D.
Registration Table Sunday 12/16 7-9am Big P.
Road Turn-around Spotter AM Sunday 12/16 9am-12pm Mitch D.
Road Turn-around Spotter Afternoon Sunday 12/16 12pm-3pm Andy W.
Road Turn-around Spotter Late afternoon Sunday 12/16 3pm-5pm Not filled
End of Race Clean up Sunday 12/16 4pm - till done Big P.
End of Race Clean up Sunday 12/16 4pm - till done Not filled
End of Race Clean up Sunday 12/16 4pm - till done Not filled
Chef's for grilling and food monitoring Mid Afternoon Sunday 12/16 11-2pm Not filled
Chef's for grilling and food monitoring late Afternoon Sunday 12/16 2-5pm Not filled