Angel Tree 2018 Distribution - 511 W. Carson, Bryan signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

We will distribute toys and clothes to families in our Angel Tree Program.

Show volunteers

What and when
Angel Tree Distribution 2018
Thurs, Dec. 20, 8:30 am - 10:30 am
Show 20 names Carol W., Johnny H., Katelin L., Sarah L., Anna R., Michelle G., Jesus G., Jamie Lynn J., Melanie S., Crystal V., Luke M., Heath P., Alison R., Diana G., Brandy N., Traci K., Tracie W., Makayla T., Wanda S., Dawn S.,
Angel Tree Distribution 2018
Thurs, Dec. 20, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Show 20 names Janice M., Carol W., JoAnn G., Johnny H., Kim J., Linda p., Judy M., Ashlee C., Katelin L., Sarah L., Jennifer I., Klara L., Mikayla N., Anna R., Travis T., Brittan J., Zach R., Eric H., Suzanne F., Kathleen P.,
Angel Tree Distribution 2018
Thurs, Dec. 20, 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Show 20 names Carol W., Janice M., Judy M., Ashlee C., Klara L., Anna R., Teri W., Sharon C., Karisa W., Khloe W., Tate P., Bonnie W., Zeb H., Michelle R., Laura S., Delia M., Shane C., Suzanne F., Summer T J., Chris H.,
Angel Tree Distribution 2018
Thurs, Dec. 20, 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Show 20 names Sondra & Quentin W., Michelle B., Landon B., Carey C., Hudson C., Anna R., SHELBE D., Dan K., Courtney K., Samantha K., Crystal K., Taylor C., Flor M., Bethany F., Collin B., Winda G., Dalene B., Nichole R., Carlos R., Paula B.,
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