2018 Westerns/AB Cup - CONTROLLERS signup sheet


This signup sheet is not accepting new volunteers.
Please contact the event coordinator for further details.

When: Jan 19-21, 2018 Where: River Bend Golf and Recreation Area in Red Deer Who: Parkland Cross-Country Ski Club/Red Deer Nordics
Controllers work on the course to track skiers progress; and observe, record and report infractions. We will meet in the clubhouse prior to each race. Training to recognize infractions will be offered on Thursday, Jan 18th. Please sign up for that Thursday session below, regardless of your shift on the race days. Every control point requires a bib caller and bib recorder, each of whom watch for infractions. These are outside jobs that require warm boots, warm clothes and a thermos. Snacks and beverages will be provided. Thank you for your time!

Show volunteers

What and when
Chief of Controllers
Andy L.,
All controllers please sign up for evening training
Thurs 5:30pm-7:30pm
Greg N., Larry P., Bob B., Ruby M., Mark M., Linda D., Mark L., Rene W., Jane D., Jane D., Phil M.,
Controllers - Fri
Fri 7:30am-4:00pm
Greg N., Larry P., Bob B., Greg O., Mark M., Ruby M., Linda D., Rene W., Phil M., Phil M.,
Controllers - Sat
Sat 8:00am-4:00pm
Greg N., Larry P., Bob B., Greg O., Ruby M., Mark M., Linda D., Don P., Rene W., Jane D., Phil M., Phil M.,
Controllers - Sun
Sun 7:30am-2:00pm
Greg N., Larry P., Bob B., Greg O., Mark M., Ruby M., Linda D., Mark L., Rene W., Phil M.,
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